One main and obvious difference between what developed as generally known as Western Reiki and the original Japanese Reiki Traditions, is seen in the practical way of teaching students to give a healing session.

teaching all levels of Reiki at Pacific Holistic in Vancouver BC

Reiki is taught in many formats in the West. You may have noticed that some students are taught distinct hand positions to follow for everyone they work on and at all Reiki Exchanges; some students pay heed to the little bell in some Reiki music tapes that is played every three minutes to signify the moment is ready to change hand positions; some Western trained Reiki practitioners will never touch their clients and only practice distant healing even if the receiver is easily accessible or in the same room or even right there on the massage table in front of them; some Western Reiki practitioners will write down someone’s first name and ailment on a piece of paper and place that literally on a light box or light table in order to facilitate energy being sent. Some Reiki practitioners actually pull out pendulums and crystals and throw that into the mix!

Many techniques and varying quirks have crept into the Reiki teachings in the West. These sort of Reiki variants and differing details do not exist in Japan. Master Usui (practicing from 1921 to 1926) and Master Hayashi (in the 1920’s and 1930’s) gave out guidelines for their students to follow, who copied them into their Reiki handbooks and although that included certain hand positions for certain ailments and health problems, it was not meant as a strict menu but a suggested guide, for the beginner only.
Just before Master Usui passed on, Master Hayashi wrote out a comprehensive set of hand positions as a back-up – sort of what one might liken to ‘training wheels’ on a bicycle – until the practitioners and their hands were sensitive enough to do the work without the ‘manual’ as a back-up. The ‘real deal’, this sensing, is something not known to most Western Reiki practitioners – sensing with all of ones’ faculties and specifically ones’ palms. This is called Byosen in Japanese.

In later years in Therapeutic Touch in the West, long after Master Usui’s passing, practitioners were taught to feel the energy field very close in to the client’s body. An experienced palm can feel coolness, a breeze, warmth, heat, coldness, stickiness, tingling, etc and get a sense of whether that means a place to focus energy specifically, stay longer or even go back to… whatever is required.

Reiki energy passed on through properly, lifts the vibration of the area that is receiving – bones, lymph fluid, arteries, blood flowing past, nerve endings, organelles, gray matter, etc. All lucky tissues!
Any area / organ / tissue that is in a healing phase will already have extra ‘good’ bacteria, extra hard-working white cells, extra protective bio-film and clearing fluids / mucous present. Raising the lower vibration of such an area in repair mode, means elevating the healing components that are already hard at work there, assisting nature’s own energetic efforts and speeding up and uplifting the process.

Back in the olden days of Reiki, in Japan, this was politely explained that Reiki detoxifies the body.
“The muddy stream” analogy which was used by Master Usui implied that if you look at a stream, it flows clearly and beautifully. But if you disturb the stream’s water (giving a Reiki treatment) the mud from the bottom is disturbed and clouds all of the water and it appears dirty (voila – a healing-crisis – the toxins have entered the body’s extra-cellular matrix and lymphatic system, etc). If you then keep cleaning the water of the impurities that have come up (more Reiki), it becomes cleaner and clearer until the whole stream is pristine.
Of course it is so much more than just physical elements that the elevating Reiki vibration addresses. It may include repair from physical accidents, poisoned foods and can include emotional and mental ‘shocks and conflicts’ that find their way to specific organs that they have an affinity to. If, for many reasons, toxins of the body, mind and soul cannot be eliminated, then the toxicity accumulates until the balance in the body tips the scales.

Working to help the body heal and release these, takes practice! That’s why we call it ‘practice’… honing a skill that takes a lifetime and is genuinely and deeply rewarding. The basics cannot be taught in a short one day class. Barely is a weekend enough as a powerful introduction. The ‘practice’ takes a lifetime.
Master Usui described Reiki as: “The Secret art of inviting happiness, the spiritual medicine for all illnesses”.
Let’s find this together,
with love and gratitude.

This main Reiki page: takes you to information about our Reiki healing sessions; our Reiki weekend certification classes; what we are offering, including Reiki practitioner exchanges, special discounts, continuing Reiki education, our newsletter and more information such as REIKI gift certificates and what Reiki certification actually REALLY means.
Our class schedule is at:
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Newsletter Membership has it’s perks
subscriber Reiki session rates:
(Sign up for the bi-monthly newsletter and receive a 30% reduction.)
One 75 minute session: $63
Five 75 minute sessions – prepaid: $280 ($56 each)

      Regular rates:
One 75 minute session: $90
Five 75 minute sessions – prepaid: $400

cancellations – 48 hour notice by phone prior to your scheduled appointment.

Receiving Reiki healing allows you to speed up healing and repair; reduce troublesome thoughts, worries and set stress aside.
Please look through the Reiki article pages here and join me in one or more of the Reiki seminars / classes offered.
Or allow yourself to experience the deep, delicious benefits of the power of Reiki / hands-on-healing…  and I look forward to seeing you.

Merrie Bakker, Reiki Master Teacher

flexible hours – Monday – Saturday
604-261-7742, by appointment only
We’re still in Kerrisdale, Vancouver, BC

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ARE YOU A ‘LAPSED’ REIKI PRACTITIONER? Come and Participate with other Reiki Practitioners of diverse Reiki backgrounds.
Feeling a bit rusty? No worries! That’s why we have Reiki Exchanges.
Group treatments allows everyone to give and receive Reiki and allows an opportunity to increase your Reiki session experience; to meet Reiki like-minded friends; and to abandon any thoughts of being “rusty”.
When we gather we share insights with one another, deepen our practice and increase harmony.
If you are a practitioner and would like to join our REIKI EXCHANGES – REIKI SHARES, then click over to sessions for Practitioner Reiki Share / Exchanges details. 
Come and Join Us!

Reiki energy and Western medicine

Reiki energy, when properly passed on to someone, can be useful when someone is engaged in standard Western medical protocols and is often integrated with other alternative treatments. If, like some of my clients, you have chosen orthodox medical treatments, then Reiki will obviously do no healing, but Reiki can be extremely useful, nonetheless. One of my clients received several different kinds of chemo at once and a number of radiation treatments, per day – an intensively heavy dose of toxicity. This was a heavy burden for his body to bear!
Reiki reduced his nausea; reduced intense inflammation and the extent of internal scarring; Reiki helped revive his bodily functions which often went south on the most intensive treatment days; Reiki fortified his inner strength and inner resolve to continue; Reiki diminished some of the fear of the treatments and together we renewed his healing visualisations to take to each future orthodox medical session – like armament and fortifcation. Reiki gave him back a good night’s sleep, too, inspite of the intense debilitation of the chemo and radiation.

#the original Aramaic Lord’s prayer #Reiki – at what price? #human energy fields / the earthpulse #1928 Reiki article #differences – past traditional / present-day
#certification #the five Tibetan rites #Japanese Reiki words / phrases
#Reiki Level One class #Reiki Level Two class #classes calendar #q & a’s – Reiki
#Reiki distance healing #Reiki meditation #practitioner’s exchange #the science behind Reiki #origins of Reiki #what is Reiki #rebuttal to the bishops